We're Open!
Tue - Fri 9AM - 5:30 PM
Sat 9AM - 1PM
1020 South First Street
Union City, TN

Monday, June 8, 2009


Mark it on your calendars . . . Our Grand Opening Celebration will be Friday and Saturday June 26th & 27th. We are planning all of the details now but rest assured that free mini vanilli cupcakes are part of the big event. WOO!

We are looking forward to lots of people coming in to see the shop and hear more about our menu of homemade goodness. There will be prizes to give away as well so even if you are a frequent customer, make sure you stop by those days to get your name in the pot.

Also, as of tomorrow we will be featuring our new cupcake of day the schedule!! It will be as follows:

TUESDAYS - STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE (a moist strawberry cake topped with our buttercream frosting with fresh strawberries blended in!)

WEDNESDAYS - WHAT'S UP DOC? (yummy carrot cake topped with our wonderfully rich cream cheese frosting)

THURSDAYS - MISS SCARLETT (southern red velvet cake with our cream cheese frosting)

FRIDAYS - HOSTESS WITH THE MOSTEST (a homemade twist on the original - chocolate cake with a cream filling topped with dark chocolate ganache and classic swirls in white icing)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our cookies hold up through heavy travel!

This weekend we made the journey to Carillon Beach in Florida for Lauren and Carter's wedding. Although the weather left a little to be desired, it finally cleared off long enough to provide some great weather for the ceremony and reception. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding and congratulations again to the both of you!

We made some seashell cookies to coordinate with their theme and added their initial. They used them at every place setting at the reception which was a great idea. Lauren is so creative and made everything from the invitations to the labels on the bottles of water. She has a blog on here as well that you should check out displaying some of her great designs. http://lettersbylauren.blogspot.com/

She also is starting up a store on Etsy, so follow her blog to keep up with all of the details.

Be sure to drop in the store this week. Mom and I continue to make improvements and streamline the baking process. As we add new equipment and get with our final suppliers and vendors we will be able to serve much more and make manyd items available daily in the store along with our entire menu always available for special order.

If you need a gift soon, keep us in mind! We have new orders from Natural Life and Jessie Steele coming in soon that are great alone or paired with our homemade goodies. We have gift boxes and bags that make giving a great gift simple.

Everything at Dough Re Mi is made fresh by the two of us. The best part is knowing that what you buy in our store has never been frozen and shipped in or made from a box mix. Our baked goodies are made from scratch using the same recipes Mom and other family members have used for years. That's what makes it so good!

Friday, May 8, 2009

One Week Down!

Thanks to everyone for an overwhelming response! We have had so much fun showing off the new shop and baking day and night! Ok - maybe baking all night has not been the best part of the experience but that's what happens when you start a new venture. One thing is for sure... There is a LARGE oven in our near future! We are still working on our scheduling issues to have enough time to fill the case for walk in customers and handle all of our special orders. Thanks to everyone following our blog and spreading the word. It's working!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well - We had a WILD weekend. Between the flash flood of 2009 and trying to open on Friday, Mom and I are pretty tired. We stepped back this weekend and set in place a plan of action. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little better on us both. I don't think either of us sat down for more than 2 minutes all day Friday. The good news is that we sold out more than once! The bad news is that we could really use about 4 extra arms each. :D

We both feel like we will settle in to a groove soon. I am just pleased that everyone seemed to love the place and what we were serving. I am glad to finally be in and able to bake. Painting, cleaning, and the entire remodel process was starting to get old. Also, we had sort of an issue with the flour that we purchased. The issue is that it stunk! I was so frustrated Friday trying to make some cupcakes that I baked them 4 times!! Mom started to blame the rain and humidity then after thinking of what could possibly be the issue, we finally settled on the flour. I brought my flour from home and voila' - cupcakes as normal. I am glad that we figured it out. Mom told me that she was beginning to think that she had lost her touch somewhere between Highway 22 and First Street. Ha! :D

Come by to see us soon. Hopefully we will be able to keep up!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Oh everyone - I am SO excited. Don't you love when something comes together EXACTLY as you planned? All of the ideas Mom and I have had are finally happening. Fun stuff. . .

I am ready for everyone to see the amazing transformation of our building. And let's not forget that the place will be filled with everything yummy that we can possibly think of and bake. As soon as you drive by and see that open sign up, stop in to look around and say hi. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

At last!

As of yesterday we are officially done with the hard stuff. Meaning - No more painting, cleaning grease, and such. Now on to the fun stuff. . . decorating! Mom and I have planned a theme for the last several months and we will be able to get all of our ideas rolling now. 12 days seems like not nearly enough time to complete everything but if there wasn't a deadline we would not be working so hard. Our family tends to work better if things are last minute anyways. I am humming "Under Pressure" as I type.

It still doesn't look like much as you drive by but soon enough everything will be in place and you will be able to smell fresh baked goodies in the air! I went by Friday night to see the progress on our display case. It is AWESOME! A great friend who shall remain nameless is making it for me. He is nameless because I know he would rather not be suckered into more projects.

Now to be sentimental. . . I am so glad that we are opening near Mother's Day. The bake shop is something I have wanted for myself but most of all my mom for a long time. It's a great part of the year to start off. Everything is in full bloom and the weather just may begin to cooperate. I am excited to be able to bake the day away!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter / Happy Birthday Billy Cakes

A cute little bunny hiding in the grass and one rockin' neopolitan cake that Mom and I made over Easter weekend. . . YUMMY!